Gay bars dayton ohio shootings

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Police in Dayton, Ohio, said nine people were killed by a shooter who was shot to death by responding officers.

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“Hours later, there was another mass shooting across the country. TRAGEDY OVERNIGHT … TWO MASS SHOOTINGS - “20 dead, more wounded after gunman attacks Texas shoppers,” AP’s Cedar Attanasio, Michael Balsamo and Diana Heidgerd in El Paso, Texas: “A gunman armed with a rifle opened fire in an El Paso shopping area packed with as many as 3,000 people during the busy back-to-school season, leaving 20 dead and more than two dozen injured, police said. | Christian Chavez/AP Photo DRIVING THE DAY

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People gather in Juarez, Mexico in a vigil for the 3 Mexican nationals who were killed in an El Paso shopping-complex shooting.

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